Objective: First Certificate (FCE)

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Posts Tagged ‘superlatives

What’s wrong with these comparisons?

with 10 comments


  • The tusk of a mastodon is bigger than an elephant.
  • The Concorde was faster than any airplane.
  • That film was more funnier than the one we saw last week.

Written by ElenaBen

March 3, 2008 at 11:07 am

Comparative and Superlative (and ‘key’ word transformation)

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Common mistakes when doing the ‘key’ word transformation activity. If you do the following, you won’t get a full mark but a partial one:

    1. 5 words is the maximum: so if your sentence is ok but you wrote 6 words, you won’t get a full mark (2) but just 1 mark (=partially correct answers). Very important!: let me remind you that contractions are 2 words, so if you write “haven’t”= have+not, 2 words.
    2. The sentence can be grammatically correct but you didn’t use the ‘key’ word, smart alec…
    3. You gave two possible sentences…again, smart-ass [;)], if you’re up for giving two possible asnwers, both must be correct.
    4. You changed the ‘key’ word. Remember! You can’t modify it.
    5. You misspelled the word.
    6. You changed the tense of the original sentence.

                Written by ElenaBen

                March 3, 2008 at 10:59 am